The treatments for tachycardia
Tachycardia is a medical condition in which one’s heart rate speeds up to over 100 beats per minute when a person is at rest, affecting either or both the upper and lower chambers of the heart. As such, tachycardia is a potentially dangerous condition, says cardiac electrophysiologist Ian Weisberg, MD. Image source: While an episode may just be a one-time event and could cause no harm or complications, recurrence of the condition could be a sign of an abnormal heart function or systemic disease. Moreover, chronic episodes of tachycardia significantly increase risks for stroke or heart attack. There are a variety of ways to deal with an episode but note that chronic tachycardia requires medication. One way to deal with the condition is to both allow oneself to periodically rest and follow some relaxation techniques after strenuous activities. Stress and anxiety can trigger tachycardia, so it’s best to prevent it by managing responses to stressful situations. Y...